Lived a grim old lady with a pointy purple hat. \n\nShe smiles at you and ask's Do you \n[[Dare|DARE]] or [[DEMAND|DEMAND]]
From out of her hat a naked Lamia crawls out \nsinging in snake tongue while brushing her harp\n\n"Autumn moonlight—\na worm digs silently\ninto the chestnut".\n\nDarkness falls and a flashing light flickers in rapid sequences\n\nYou feel presure in your chest and feel you notice that the ground beneath you is starting to [[fall|fall]]
Is the ground gets further and further away\nYou hear in the distance \n"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist"\n\nEven people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.\n
Once upon a time in a far away place in a far away [[land|land]]
She roles back her eyes of and chuckles out loud \n"The crow has flown away:\nswaying in the evening sun,\na leafless tree". \n\nDarkness falls and a flashing light flickers in rapid sequences\n\nYou feel presure in your chest and feel you notice that the ground beneath you is starting to [[fall|fall]]
She roles back her eyes of and takes off her hat \ntakes her lizard tongue out and purple smoke start to pour out \n\nPicks up mega-phone and whispers\n\n"I went whale-watching, and I was really looking forward to that, but when I saw it on TV when other programs do it, you're seeing close-ups of these massive creatures, and the music that's added gives you a certain feeling. But in reality, you're stuck on a boat that's bobbing up and down, you feel sick, the whale isn't there on demand".\n\nShe re-opens her eyes and sarcastically asks\n[[FULFILLED|BIG]] or [[UNSATISFIED|UN]]
She takes of her hat and shreaks her teeth\nMambo jumbos something in Sanskrit \n\nTwiddles her thumbs, closes her eyes and howls\n"You are in for a [[BIG SURPRISE|BIG]]"