What is that sound?\n\n[[A door.|Door]]\n[[A bird.|Bird]]\n[[The wind in the trees.|Trees]]
Run fast. \n\niiieeiie ... iieieeii ...\n\nIt's still there!\n\niiiieeeii ... iieiie ...\n\nNeed to hide!\n\n[[Hide!|Hide]]\n[[Look behind!|Behind]]
Iiiiiiiiiiieeee ...\n\n[[Hello?|Hello]]\n[[Wake up.|WakeUp]]
Can't hear myself thinking!\n\niiiiieeeiiiee ...\n\nWhy is that sound so loud? \n\niiieeiiieeiiee ... iiieeiieii ...\n\nIt's everywhere I go. \n\n[[Is it following me? Maybe it's behind me?|Behind]]
iiiieeee ...\n\nSqueaking doors. A burden for buying an old house.\n\nBut no one is awake?\nWho's in the house?\n\n[[Maybe it's the wind?|Trees]]\n[[Burglar??|Burglar]]\n\n
Irritating Sound
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeee ...\n\nMoonlight falls in the room through the window. Shadows of trees. Silence?\n\niiiiieee ... iiieee ... iii ...\n\n[[Hello?|Hello]]\n[[What's that sound?|Sound]]
I need to hide. What if someone is behind me to kill me. I need to hide.\n\niiiieee ...\n\n[[Hide!|Hide]]
iiiiieeee ... iiiieeiiee ...\n\n[[I'm scared!|Scared]]\n[[Run away!|Run]]
iiiieiiiee ....\n\nIt's in my head. I will never know what it is.\n\n[[Start over again|Start]]
I can't find anything. Maybe it's something behind me?\n\n[[Look behind you|Behind]]
There's no wind outside. It's cold.\n\niiiiiieeee ... iiii ...\n\n[[Can't hear myself thinking with that noise!|Noise]]\n\nWhat's that sound?\n\n[[A bird.|Bird]]\n[[A door.|Door]]
iiiiieeee ...\niiiieee ... iiiiiiiiee ...\nI'm going to fin that bird and make it stop.\n\n[[Go to outside.|Outside]]
iiiiiieee .... iiiieeeiiieee .... iiiiii ...\n\n[[What?|What]]\n[[Open your eyes?|OpenEyes]]
iieee ... iiiiiiiee ...\n\nThe sound is still there. But from which direction?\n\n[[Stop and listen|Listen]]\n[[Keep searching for the bird.|Searching]]
iiiiieeee ...\n\nMoonlight fills the hallway. What time is it? Where is everyone?\n\n[[What's that sound?|Sound]]
iiieiiieiiiee ...\n\nMaybe the burglar is behind me?\n\n[[Look behind you|Behind]]
There's a wardrobe. That's a good hiding spot.\n\niiieeeiii ... iiieeiie ...\n\nNo one is there. I don't hear footsteps or breathing. I'm alone. Why did I hide in the wardrobe?\n\niiieeeiiiee ...\n\nStill there's that irritating sound. \n\n[[What's that sound?|Sound]]\n[[Sigh ...|Sigh]]\n
"Hello? Anyone awake?"\n\niiiiieeeee ...\n\n[[What's that sound?|Sound]]
Everywhere I go there's that sound. It follows me.\n\niiiieeee ... iieee ...\n\n[[Look behind you.|Behind]]